Sunday, October 2, 2016

Day one take two

We traveled 0 miles on the first day of the trip. Using that as an average we will arrive in Key West sometime next never. Actually, there was a series of rain storms and our decision to stay put and get organized seemed better and better as the day went on.

Today we got up very early (traditional picture here of pre-trip boat and crew to prove that both are in good shape before the trip). Check out the new oversized anchor hooked to 100 ft of chain to help me sleep better on the hook. Anyway, we caught the ebb tide for a screaming start down the bay with several hours of 7-8 knots of speed over ground. 

The tide eventually turned but we still had a great day and made it to Reedville which is really nice as long as the wind is blowing the smell of the fish processing plant in a different direction.  I put a tab 'Current location' at the top of the blog. It is hooked to a slow increment tracking app on my phone that should give a rough idea of where we are.

Passed the liquid natural gas plant at cove point. Notice the cranes in the background working on the modifications to enable exports of LNG. Now that we finally have energy independence it is of course time to sell it off quickly.

Entering Virginia waters passing Smith Point lighthouse.

Finally, entering Cockrell Creek towards Reedville coming in past a member of the menhaden fleet.

The ICW is 1244 miles to Key West and we started at -140 coming from Deale, MD. After today, we are at -70. Yeah.


  1. Now there's a nice threesome, two crew members and their boat (make that four if you count that anchor as a crew member), and what adventures on the first day in the bay: a lot of gas and fish smells. Your daily average seems to have increased significantly, you might just make it to Key West. Smiles everybody, smiles!

  2. Smile! You are both way to serious. I like the tracking app - nice gadget. Have a nice evening. Jackie.
