Monday, September 26, 2016

Next Adventure ICW to Florida

The plan for this fall is to take Serenity on her longest trip yet going down the Intracoastal Waterway to Florida. Linda and I will be heading out on October 1st which is a bit of a risk as the hurricane season is not quite done yet but it will get us ahead of the bulk of the big southward migration and should give us better weather for the trip.

We will first make a run down the bay to Norfolk or Portsmouth VA to get to mile marker 0 of the ICW. From there the ICW is 1,244 miles to Key West Florida. It is a route of interconnected canals, rivers, and sounds that provide a protected route all the way down the East Coast without going into the Atlantic. There are lots of interesting stops along the way so we plan on taking our time on the way down and seeing the sights.


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