Tuesday, October 4, 2016

All the way to zero

 An early start from Reedville put us into the corner of Mobjack Bay by early afternoon. Normally not a great place to anchor for the night because it is pretty exposed to wind and waves but with a prediction of light winds from the North and the new super anchor we gave it a shot.

What a great spot. We launched the dinghy (doesn't have a name yet suggestions welcome) and completed our first successful beach landing.

I investigated for treasure. I did very well if you treasure bottle caps.

Linda conducted a nature survey and may have figured out where the missing dog went based on the size of the pterodactyl tracks she found.

Today we came into Norfolk / Portsmouth.  It is always exciting coming into the area because of the high volume of large commercial freighters, big and small Navy ships, and all manner of military aircraft. Here is a barge and Navy ship that went through the Hampton Roads channel right in front of us and a weird new navy ship we passed coming down the Elisabeth River.

After three days of traveling we are officially at ICW mile marker 0! There were 20 knot gusts as we docked at the Tidewater marina in Portsmouth. We slid down the alley and backed in with some creative line wrangling and received solid 7.0 scores from the assembled curious onlookers (except for the French Canadians in the next slip who gave us a meh).

First clue there is a storm coming - a reverend in Portsmouth gets the early word from God. Saw this on the way to dinner. We planned on a day or so to explore here but with the hurricane on the way it is likely we will stay here as the marina is well protected and we can go to a nearby hotel during the storm.


  1. HI Mike and Linda - Mary from Emotional Rescue. Allan shared the link with Rob and I so we can follow your journey. Once Matthew has passed, we hope you have smooth sailing for a while.
    I like your comment about wrangling lines! We have watched you come in under challenging conditions- you are pros! Enjoy and stay safe!

  2. New Dinghy name: Dinghy. Motor it around the church during the storm at high tide, while using your metal detector to find more bottle caps. I am not sure what Linda is going to do during this time with no dry land to spy animal tracks.

  3. Rookie mistake, when you get a new dinghy you have to have some names lined up. male and female to be safe (you never know what you are going to get). If it is a boy name it: Dingus the Dinghy and if it is a girl: Boatina Mc Boatface.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Also I have a mission for you should you choose to accept it. Find this sign and tell me what it says. https://gyazo.com/6440be224e683299e090607cdf5dd783

  6. New Hint: https://gyazo.com/6207da08262cd956ef89abc9017bee7a

  7. Alex, we really did try and had fun, but failed to find your sign. I know where that fence is but somehow we missed the sign in our wanderings. It's right next to the dumpsters - that might be part of the problem. It's pouring rain now so a close-up of the sign will have to wait. What do you think it means when the hourly forecast on weather.com has red exclamation points by each hour for the next 12 hours or so?
