Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 6 Back to Solomons

We were expecting some weather later today so we left the Coan river headed for Solomons again to be in a marina by the time the storms hit.  This barge went back and forth by where we were anchored several times in the morning.  It looked to be carrying gravel or dirt but the we saw on the way out that it was spreading old oyster shells to create good habitat for new oyster beds or may an oyster farm.

 Sailing across the mouth of the Potomac was much different than our crossing a few years ago.  Very calm.  All day we would sail for a bit then motor for a bit.  Here is an experimental hot deploy / low drag configuration for the dinghy that we tried out.

 Got an up close view of the point No Point light house.

 There is a cool spot coming into Solomons where you can pass very close to the land and still  be in 40 feet of water.

About an hour after we got in the first wave of storms rolled in.

We took a shot at making it to a restaurant but did not make it.  A really fierce storm came through and we jumped on someone's porch.  It seemed close to tornado force winds but I don't think it was a tornado.  The wind was amazing though and there was lots of hail.

 It was really nice to not be sailing or anchored out for this:

After the storm, we were finally able to make a provisions run using the awesome loaner bikes at the marina. 


  1. Where did you eat dinner in Solomon's? I'm following the eating progress carefully, as well as the fish tally.

    -The Back in Vienna Steve

  2. The lighthouse restaurant. The one restored after the big fire a few years ago that had to be put out by the tugs with water cannons.
