Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 5 Wicomico to Coan River

Well the supply store that we were hoping to visit on the Wicomico was not open today.  We are a bit low on water, milk, and in desperate need of corn bread but we bravely soldiered on.  New Steve who was cooking during yesterdays catfish run started the day by evening that score.

Another nice morning of sailing.  Not great wind and somehow we wound up going against the current even though we were going down river. Still, we moved along well and even got in some good wing on wing sailing with a rigged pole held on with expired rocket tape (Black Kapton Thermal tape).  The middle of the Potomac here is a Navy test range.  The range was hot today and we got to have a nice chat with range boat 4 who gave us some friendly advice about where to sail if we wanted to keep our boat on top of the water.  We could hear the big guns for miles as we sailed down the river.

While sailing back down the Potomac, I made some of my now famous Bay Cracker Catfish.  Fast Steve's fish was so big it barely fit in the biggest frying pan.  I forgot to take a picture of mine but it was almost as big and I think maybe just a bit tastier.

On the way out of the Potomac, we are staying in the Coan river.  It is on the Virginia side of the mouth of the Potomac and had a narrow twisty turny entrance.  We were doing such fancy work with the GPS that I had to get out the manual.  It went fine coming in and the Coan is very nice.  Not very developed with tree lined shores and cliff banks.   Caught more fish - mostly new Steve catching and they were all croakers.  One or two keeper size but we put them back.  Dinghy battery was dead so no supply run here either.  May have to improvise for breakfast tomorrow.

Just after a dinner - great guacamole and ancho chile pork and hominy stew, we setup for the night just as a line of thunderstorms came through.  Medium strong but our anchor started dragging in the middle of the storm and it took some quick and lucky engine work combined with good spotters to keep the boat from being blown aground.  

Tomorrow we are thinking of heading up the bay to get into a marina before some heavy wind comes through Thursday night.

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