Saturday, November 5, 2016

Walburg Creek GA - Mile 621

We are in the grasslands of Georga now.  It took four tries and a break for a bowl of cereal to leave the dock this morning but otherwise was a good day.

I flew home for 5 days to work and Linda stayed in Hilton Head SC (the current position track on the blog feed by my phone needed to be restarted). Linda explored the beaches by bike, reprovisioned at the Hilton Head Walmart, changed the boat's engine oil, reconditioned the teak, planned the next couple legs of the trip, and got a bunch of furnishings and gadgets for the boat. I need to leave more often.

The ICW in Georga is very twisty and turny with snaking rivers connected by cuts and sounds. Tides changes are almost 8 feet now. Here is the happy side of current. Crushing along at 8.1 knots. We had the current with us.

The tricky thing about the ICW in Georga is that there are some spots with just a few feet of water at low tide. We need 4.5 feet. So we need to plan around the tides and when we will be at the various low spots. So far we are doing well. You can see the helmswoman is unphased here as we run a boat length from shore through the treacherous Hell Gate.

621 in the books 623 to go.

1 comment:

  1. Keep an eye out for manatees now as you head south, you could go for a swim with them. Although, the helmsman looks chilled, even if she is unfazed. Also keep an eye out for bargain real estate, who knows where life might take you. You could use some Georgia island property to entertain your friends.
