Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Vero Beach FL - Mile 949

We decided to push a bit to get further along. We did two 60 mile days which are a stretch for us. Start around 6:30 and run until 4:00 or so. It gets dark around 5:30 so that is pretty much the full day. Florida is much easier than previous sections so it is nice traveling.  It is starting to get more developed but most sections still have nice scenery.  Some of the canals are so narrow you feel like you are driving a boat through people's front yards.

Lots of bridges still but the bridge tenders have generally been very nice. You call and they tell you to keep up your speed and they time the opening for when you get to the bridge.  This is Haulover bridge on a narrow little mangrove lined canal with lots of people fishing.  I know someone who will not care but we spotted our first manatee just past the bridge. 


The water is changing a bit.  We are starting to have sections that look a bit more tropical and you can start reading the water by its color.  The lighter spot here is shallow sand.


Today we are in Vero at a great marina, Loggerhead Vero.  We met back up with our catamaran friends from Portsmouth. They have a rental car so we have been zipping around Vero trying restaurants and getting provisions.  

949 done, 295 to Key West.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, manatee sighted. Check. Mangroves to the left, mangroves to the right. Check. How about any gators yet? Fishing for snook? The trip keeps getting better.
