Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 3 St Marys to Colonial Beach

 To be super cool this morning we sailed off the anchor and had a fantastic run ghosting down the St. Marys.  A gentle breeze let us move down the river almost silently.  The scenery on this river is some of the best on the bay.

Once we got out into the Potomac I started to learn why there are not may people that sail up the Potomac.  The wind was from the west at ~10 knots.  It was good sailing but not super productive in terms of getting up river.  Here is our bread crumb trail on the GPS for just a few miles of the river.

After a few hours we had made very little progress up the river.  We then motor sailed but had to really work to make it to Colonial Beach even with the motor.  Motoring become reading time on the boat.

Everyone has there own style of reading.

In Colonial Beach, we saw this cool antique luxury yacht.   It was so interesting we decided to get a really close look as we docked.  Imagine two things that are really, really close and then make them a little closer.  That is how close we got to the yacht.  Some days you watch the show.  Some days you are the show. Today we were the show.

The Steve's favorite part of the marina is the highly optimized bathroom where you can pee and wash your hands at the same time.

Colonial beach was really fun.  We had a great dinner at 2 dollar burger night.  Then two local ladies, Dawn and Joice, offered us a ride into down on their golf cart.  We had to squeeze in so I got to ride up front because I had the "skinniest ass".   After we killed their battery, we jumped out and walked most of the town.  The town has had its ups and downs as a resort and at one point hosting gambling boats on the river (technically Maryland waters) but seems to be on an upswing and has some really nice restored colonial houses.

 The bad news is we have realized that we just can's make DC.  There are too many more miles and we move too slowly against the current.  We could make it but it would turn into a pretty brutal trip of long motoring hours so in good cruising fashion, we are going to go with the flow and find reasonable distances and places to visit.

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