Thursday, June 6, 2013

Spring 2013 - Circumnavigation of the Delmarva Peninsula

It’s that time again.  The spring sailing trip is fast approaching and this year it's a big one.  The plan is a counterclockwise cruise around the Delmarva Peninsula.  This will be a step up in terms of distance traveled from previous trips and will include at least two legs where we will sail through the night.  It will also be Serenity’s first trip into the Atlantic Ocean, first time in Delaware waters, and first transit of a canal.  

The crew will again include 2 Steves and new for this year, a Sean.  Last year the Steves were known as The Steve and Fast Steve but I think we will scrub those names and see what superlatives the trip bestows this year.  Sean has volunteered for late night shifts as he is largely nocturnal and will otherwise vie for the title of "best able to fall asleep anytime, anywhere" but he has some stiff competition in this category.  We will be traveling with a larger group, the Sailstice Delmarva Rally and they will have live tracking of our progress here.

On Saturday we will sail up to Annapolis for the start.  On Sunday we will sail through the night to Hampton, VA.  This will be similar to the start of our trip last year to Norfolk.  On Tuesday we will leave through the mouth of the Chesapeake and sail in the Atlantic up to Lewes, just inside the mouth of the Delaware Bay.  On Thursday, the plan is to head up the Delaware Bay and transit the Chesapeake and Delaware canal.  We are not sure yet were we will stay Wednesday night.  Finally we will work our way back to Annapolis in time for the party on Saturday.

The key to the trip is a nice window for the Atlantic leg so now the weather watch begins. 

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