Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8th Yorktown to Deltaville

Today was really great.  I got up early and caught some croakers right off the back of the boat using the fake blood worm bait.  Here is the before picture:

And here is the after picture:

Really good breakfast.  How many other people on the bay got fresh croaker and pancakes for breakfast.

We were a bit worried about how we would do making it out of the York river this morning because it was a downwind run all the way up the river yesterday.  We lucked out and the wind shifted South and was steady at 15 knots plus.  We had a great run down the river and up the bay.  Waves were pretty small and the bay is still so big here that you can't see the other side.

Today we settled on "The Steve" for Steve D and "Fast Steve" for Steve W as both objected to being called "other Steve."  Fast Steve lived up to his name again today with awesome sail trimming and surfing down the waves again at 9+ knots and successfully outrunning a motor trawler for over 1/2 an hour.

The Steve selected the more difficult shortcut out of the York that saved us several miles and had us piling on the sail even when it kick up to 20 knots toward the end of the sail today.

Another milestone today is that I am not the only one who has run the boat aground.  I don't want to say who it was but as a hint it was not Fast Steve.

We are staying at a nice marina tonight in Deltaville.  The restaurants will send someone to pick you up at the marina so we went into town for a good diner at The Galley and picked up some supplies.  Wind out of the south again tomorrow so we will try to make good progress back up the bay before it switches north again tomorrow night.


  1. I must say, this is the first time, to my knowledge, that anybody has used the adjective "fast" to describe Vacation Steve.

  2. A relative superlative perhaps but true none the less. When was the last time you saw him trim sails or surf a 35 foot boat down a wave on a vacation?
